Dear Internet,

I had an idea last night, and I am going to need your help. I was thinking about how I haven’t seen any sites that are profiling young, innovative independent presses and makers of artists’ books. Do these sites exist? Doesn’t every site exist somewhere? I know that there are other sites like the Flurry blog, which has its “Titans of Letterpress” series. But enough about the “old masters.” We will, of course, continue to learn a great deal from them, maybe even rely on them for equipment, but it’s time to look elsewhere as well. It’s time to begin to critically assess what those crazy kids are doing.

But first I’ve got to find them. That’s where you come in, Internet. If anyone out there knows of the kind of press that I’m talking about--one that’s doing interesting, experimental bookwork, in both form and content and/or production and distribution, let me know. Send me information. And then I’ll find out what I can, maybe even interview them, and write about their work, right here on this blog.

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