All of the new text for (De)Collage is being drawn in with stencils, along the bottom edge of each page. The drawings will be the guide lines for the delamination. As I am writing the text, the use of the stencils and the particular way that I am applying them (no margins, with the text passing right through the gutter and wrapping around the fore-edge) makes the extent (the spatial length of the text) hard to predict with any degree of accuracy. So, as I go, I am putting all of the text into a newsprint mock-up first, so that I can see exactly how long it is.

This is what I have been doing on the Tuesday & Thursday & weekend mornings when I’m not writing posts for this blog.

Lately I have been thinking about the altered books in relation to scribal activity. They are, more or less, illuminated manuscripts. Monkish business.

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